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How Do I Determine Which Air Conditioner is Right for My Florida Home?

The heat and humidity of summer are already upon us here in Tallahassee, which means that most area homeowners are grateful for the delivery of cool air by their air conditioning systems. However, some area homeowners are undoubtedly struggling to keep cool because of broken AC systems or aging ones that are losing their ability to maintain the cool.

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Improve Your Home’s Air Quality During and Post Renovation

Home renovation projects can significantly impair indoor air quality far beyond the construction dust that gets stirred up during renovations. In fact, you might be surprised by how many different contaminants can get released into your air by renovations. The Boston College Office of Environmental Health and Safety names dozens of such pollutants in its “Maintaining Indoor Air Quality During Construction” briefing document.

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Don’t Lose Money by Conforming to These Top 10 Myths About Air Conditioning

Given the state’s heat and humidity, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that the U.S. Department of Energy credits a Florida man with developing technology that “laid the foundation for modern air conditioning.” In 1851, Apalachicola physician John Gorrie was granted a patent for making ice but failed to bring his technology to market. It would take another 50 years before Gorrie’s principles would be partially adapted by the father of modern air conditioning, Willis Carrier. In the interim, Gorrie and his ideas had slipped into obscurity. However, some people believe that in 1881...

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HVAC Maintenance Tips for Pet Owners

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, about 56% of Florida households have at least one pet, with almost 40% owning a dog and just over 24% having a cat. If this includes your north-central Florida home, you probably get a lot of joy from your pet(s). Assuming that you own a dog and/or cat, your home also receives an abundance of unwanted pet hair.

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Save Money with a Smart Thermostat

Given inflation rates over the past year, the monthly cost of operating your home’s HVAC system has probably never seemed higher. Little doubt you cut back on using the air conditioning during the summer and are now trying to limit your system’s heating output. And you probably keep a much closer eye on the thermostat. Speaking of that thermostat, you may have wondered whether you should install one of those smart thermostats for your HVAC system. From what you have heard, they can help reduce energy costs, right?

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