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Seven Signs that You May Need to Replace Your Tallahassee Home’s Ductwork

The air ducts that deliver cool air or heat through your Tallahassee-area home are essentially out of sight and, thus, out of mind. Few homeowners pay much attention to their ductwork because of its hidden location and usually consistent problem-free delivery of conditioned air. A problem with your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system’s ability to cool or heat your home usually stems from the unit itself and not the ductwork.

Whether made from sheet metal, fiberglass, or “flex” composites, air ducts are robustly constructed and don’t experience wear and tear from moving parts. However, ductwork doesn’t last forever and will eventually need replacing. The question is, how will you know that it’s time to replace the ductwork in your Tallahassee-area home?

The HVAC specialists at Air Control Heating and Cooling will tell you that ductwork problems are usually subtle. As the heart of the HVAC system, the primary air conditioning/heating unit expresses the most apparent symptoms when experiencing operational difficulties. Serving as the circulatory system, the ductwork is akin to arteries and veins. Similar to arteries, supply ducts feed conditioned air where needed, while the return ducts act like veins to return unconditioned air to the primary unit for conditioning. Like arteries and veins, the ductwork keeps the flow effectively moving until compromised by blockage or deterioration.

Blockages can be prevented with periodic air duct cleaning. Air Control Heating and Cooling’s duct cleaning service includes ductwork inspection to ensure its peak operational performance. Absent such professional inspection, Tallahassee-area homeowners should be aware of these XX signs that may indicate it’s time to replace your air ducts:

1. Consider the Age of Your Ductwork

The passing of time takes a toll on everything, including your ductwork, which typically displays the first signs of aging with the deterioration of seals, joints, and seams. If your ductwork was installed in the last century, it’s definitely time for a comprehensive inspection and likely replacement. In general, the durability of ductwork gives it an operational lifespan of at least 10-15 years, after which you should ensure that it is periodically inspected.

2. Low Airflows

Ductwork problems sometimes manifest themselves by restricting airflow. If any of your vents seem to blow weak air flows compared to other vents, it could indicate a partial blockage or a breach that releases conditioned air before it reaches that vent.

3. Inconsistent Temperatures

Noticeable temperature inconsistencies between rooms serviced by the same thermostat might indicate poor circulation caused by ductwork problems. In older ductwork, this could be caused by damage. With newer ductwork, the inconsistency could result from inadequate design or installation.

4. High Energy Bills

Inflation has certainly been driving up the costs of your energy bills, but leaky ducts will also boost your energy costs. Damaged and leaky ductwork allows conditioned air to escape before reaching the vents and forces your HVAC system to work harder to maintain desired temperature ranges.

5. Odd Noises

The random noise emanating from a vent probably isn’t of concern, but consistent odd sounds like rattling, buzzing, or whistling can indicate a problem with the ductwork. Loose seals and disconnected connection points can cause rattling and buzzing, while air leaks can cause whistling and other strange noises.

6. Mold and Odors

Your vents should be delivering clean air with no noticeable scent. If your air smells musty or the vents produce other unpleasant odors, it could indicate the presence of mold and mildew in the ductwork. Duct cleaning may be able to help resolve the problem, but deep-seated mold and mildew growth may require complete ductwork replacement to ensure your family’s health.

7. Visible Damage

Your ductwork isn’t going to be out of mind if you actually look at it, so spare a bit of time to do so. If you see visible signs of damage, it should be repaired, and the integrity of the entire ductwork should be inspected.

Optimize Your Ductwork with Tallahassee’s HVAC Experts

For ductwork cleaning, inspection, or replacement, contact Tallahassee’s HVAC experts at Air Control Heating and Cooling. We can ensure that your ductwork is circulating clean air throughout your home with maximum efficiency. To keep your HVAC system running in peak operational condition, consider joining our Air Control Club which provides clients with regularly scheduled maintenance, 18-point inspections, and other performance-optimization benefits. For Tallahassee-area HVAC repairs, upgrades, installations, duct cleaning, and maintenance, contact us at (850) 562-1234.